Rising in Beauty

Rising in Beauty
Sky over North Park

Just Learning

Just Learning
Kitchen Studio

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Photo Fun

Old photos never die; they just get digitized.

Recently a friend gave me a used scanner. The photo on the right, Pebbles, was taken ten years ago. The first group I scanned were taken at Pt. Loma Tidal Pool. I was so excited to put the images on my computer. I love cropping them and generally tinkering with them on Photoshop. I went so far as to join Flickr and put the images up there, with captions and descriptions. You can see them on www.flickr.com under morphit, or Pt. Loma Tidal Pool. Critiques accepted.

Some photos do fade away. I'll see how the 100-year-old photo of my grandfather looks on the computer this week. I can try to sharpen and re-contrast.

I've always used point-and-shoot cameras, sometimes disposable ones, and have been pleasantly surprised sometimes by the photo quality. I take awful pictures of people, but have better luck with natural objects. Looking at Jon King's site, www.theeffectivelife.wordpress.com, I'm enthused again about textures.


Bee said...

I love your hat! :o)

Irene Grumman said...

Thanks! I was pleased to find it.

Indeterminacy said...

Irene, thank you very much for contributing your story at Indeterminacy. It's the kind of story, I wish I had written it myself. What I finally did write didn't turn out as nicely, I think. But I felt I had to post something soon, as so many people are looking now. I hope you'll find time to stop by again.

I am still a bit in the 20th century with photography. I have an analog camera, and only a few months ago bought my first digital camera. There's something to be said for both worlds. I used to do a lot of dark room work and wanted to enlarge some of the old negatives of our family photos - but unfortunately my mother through them all away years ago without telling me. That made me very said.