Rising in Beauty

Rising in Beauty
Sky over North Park

Just Learning

Just Learning
Kitchen Studio

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fill Up

I filled my eyes today
With purple jacaranda and red bougainvillea
Against blue skies and white clouds,
Distant sage serration of hills,
Prams and running children and strolling parents,
Grandmas and baroque buildings
And the arching Moreton Fig Tree.

The colors soaked down
And satisfied my soul.

We reach for the sun from deep waters,
The fig tree and I.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Step Out

Art and Words by Deb Koffman, www.brushdance.com inspirational images.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Use the Good Dishes

Life is short; use the good dishes.

Wear your best clothes. Ditch what isn't comfortable and flattering.

Do the smile test. If it makes you smile, keep it.